Timeline of German Army enlisted breast eagles as factory applied to wool field blouses. Introduction dates are approximate. “Bevo” is a collector term for the style of machine weaving used to make most of this. It is an acronym that was used by a prolific manufacturer of these, Bandfabrik Ewald Vorsteher.
Left column, top to bottom:
-White on gray Bevo, introduced February 17, 1934
-White on green Bevo, introduced June 19, 1937
-Gray on green Bevo, introduced February 5, 1939
Right column, top to bottom:
-Gray on Feldgrau Bevo, introduced June 4, 1940
-First type embroidered eagle on rayon, 1943 (seldom encountered)
-Second type embroidered eagle on rayon, 1944
-M44 triangular eagle, 1944
Not shown: printed eagle, 1945.