Distribution, Equipment and Tasks of the Squad
From H.Dv. 130/2a, “Ausbildungsvorschrift für die Infanterie. Heft 2a, Die Schützenkompanie,” 1942

Gruppenführer (Squad Leader)
Machine pistol with 6 magazines in magazine pouches
Magazine loader
Wire cutter
The squad leader is the leader and lead fighter in the squad.
He is responsible for:
(1) Carrying out his combat task
(2) Directing the fire of the light machine gun and- when combat allows- the riflemen
(3) Serviceability and completeness of the weapons, ammunition and equipment of his squad
Schütze 1
MG34 with attached drum magazine
Machine gun tool pouch
Schütze 1 is the Richtschütze. He is responsible for:
(1) Operating the light machine gun in combat
(2) Overseeing the MG when it is shooting
(3) Care of the machine gun
Schütze 2
Barrel carrier with spare barrel
4 ammunition drums, of which one is loaded with armor piercing ammunition
1 ammunition can
Tragegurt 34 (ammunition carrying strap)
Entrenching tool
(If equipped with carrying bag:
a) 1 carrying bag for ammunition drums
b) 4 additional drums in place of the ammunition can)
Schütze 2 is the assistant to the Richtschütze in combat.
After going into position, he goes to the left or to the rear left of the light machine gun, if possible in full cover. He lies next to the light machine gun, if cover is available or if fire superiority has been achieved. When the situation allows, he is a close combat fighter, for example in repulsing assaults.
Schütze 2 is responsible for:
(1) Handling the drum magazines
(2) Assisting with going into position, when loading from the ammunition can
(3) Refilling spent drum magazines with belts from the ammunition can
(4) Support when clearing jams, changing the barrel and positioning the bipod
(5) Support with care of the MG
Schütze 3
Barrel carrier with spare barrel
2 ammunition cans
Carrying strap
Entrenching tool
Schütze 3 is the Munitionschütze. In combat, when possible, he lies to the rear in full cover.
Schütze 3 is responsible for:
(1) Handling the ammunition
(2) Refilling spent drum magazines with belts from the ammunition can
(3) Care of ammunition and equipment on the ground when changing position
(4) Overseeing the ammunition during shooting
(5) Independent deployment as a rifleman and close combat fighter, when the situation requires.
Schützen 4-9
a) Rifle, 2 ammunition pouches, entrenching tool.
b) The mostly assigned hand grenade throwers of the squad also get hand grenades
c) In addition, as ordered: ammunition belts, above all with armor piercing ammunition, smoke grenades, anti-tank charges, ammunition, tripod.
a) Schützen 4 through 9 carry out the firefight with rifles, they are close combat fighters. b) The “stellvertrentende Gruppenführer” (assistant squad leader) is also responsible for:
(1) Maintaining cohesion within the squad (no individual rifleman left behind)
(2) Supervising the execution of all orders
(3) Connecting with the platoon leader and adjacent squads
(4) Designating the foremost line. He carries the flag for the foremost line.