Report for the War Diary
24. July 1942
- The Division has held the following instructional courses on the handling of weapons since January 1942:
- Russian hand grenade model 1933,
- Russian light machine gun “Degtyaryov,”
- Russian heavy machine gun 39/41,
- Russian heavy machine gun “Maxim,”
- Russian mortar (Manuals were translated into German by the Division),
- Mine detection and clearing courses.
In addition, instructional courses for vehicle drivers and signals units were held.
Starting on July 27, 3 additional courses for training on mortars are scheduled.
[Translator note: besides the Maxim machine gun, the other weapons are more commonly known in English by their Soviet designations of the RGD-33 hand grenade, DP-29 machine gun and, I believe, the DS-39 machine gun. This Division, the 281. Sicherungs-Division, was at this time in the northern sector of the Eastern Front, in the occupied USSR.]